Want to know what it's like to experience one of our mini-session events? If you haven't been yet, we'll give you a behind-the-scenes look at our September event. It takes a team to pull off a successful event. Each role is important and contributes to the overall end product.
Event planning is a lot of work. It takes a team to create the perfect experience for the guests.
The best events are memorable, personal, and engaging. This requires you to put hours upon hours of thought, preparation and production into your event. It's a big task to manage all aspects of your event which is why you should outsource some of it.
Special thank you to the project team for this event! Reflecting back, we are beyond excited and grateful that we pulled this one off despite the Instagram and Facebook pages being disabled shortly before. (and still are)
We sold out twice, experienced several cancelations, then sold out again and many inquired about future events. There were tons of setbacks this time. However, it did not defeat us. The team was able to come together and pull off a great experience despite the many obstacles that were thrown at us!
Here's to resiliency and doing it anyway!